Photo of The Goose Barn The Goose Barn
        5311 Charles Street
        Rockford, Illinois 61108


Our "World Famous" © Heat Gun Holster

Made right here in our own metal fabricating shop (Wilson Welding), our Heat Gun Holsters are hand-formed from eighth-inch steel round stock, hand welded on a special fixture, cleaned and enamel painted.  
Because of the abuse of accidentally pulling my heat tool off my demo table or burning myself on it because I would reach across the hot tip while picking up something, my dear, sweet husband designed and made me my first Heat Gun Holster.
Initially, it was just a piece of equipment that I thought only I couldn't live without, but customers began to ask him to make them one and "Viola!".  
Soon a marketing plan was developed and we began distributing the Heat Gun Holster, literally, all over the world!  They allow free handed embossing with the gun tilted to one side in the holster, you can turn your gun upside down and heat from underneath (perfect for those ultra-thick powders and tinsels) or you can just store you heat tool in the holster for safe keeping so the hot tip isn't exposed.  The Heat Gun Holster retails for $22.95 plus S & H.

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Please Note. The product name and design of our "Heat Gun Holster" are copyrighted entities.   All rights reserved.  Copyright 1995 by The Goose Barn.

© Tom Henderson, 1999