The Goose Barn
5311 Charles Street
Rockford, Illinois 61108
Finished Country Crafts
Finished Country Crafts - These include plaques for your country
primitive decor, some ornaments, cloth dolls, small, functional furniture
accessories and more.
Ty Products
TY products - Need I say more. We have Beanie Babies, Attic
Treasures, Beanie Buddies, Pillow Pals and some clothes for the Beanie
Babies. With the announcement of all Beanie Babies retiring as of 11:59 on
December 31, 1999, you need to finish your collection or begin before they
are no longer available and supplies are sold out. If you are looking for a
particular Beanie, feel free to call. We are not a seconday market and don't
have a lot of old ones, but we do have a few.
Cement Geese & Goslings
Cement Geese & Goslings & Clothing - This phenomenon is what got The
Goose Barn its name. We began back in 1988 with the large, cement goose
and sewed outfits for them to wear. They were and still are a great hit and
the perfect gift for that person who has everything and is hard to buy for.
After you get the goose, there are upwards of 80-90 outfits available for
them to wear. So, you can always get that special someone a new goose
The geese come in 3 sizes - Adult, teenager and gosling. We have
clothes for all 3 sizes and in nearly all of the same styles.
We can do special orders for the perfect outfit that would apply just
to you but not to the masses, or in your favorite school colors or to match
your decor. There are so many outfits available that we won't take time and
space to list them here, but know that a brochure with that list is available
upon request or by mail.
There are a number of other cement items also available, like bunnies,
and baskets in 3 sizes.
Ink Pads & Cleaners
Embossing Powders & Inks
Markers, Pencils Pens & Chalk
Misc. Gifts & Asundries
Publications & Books
About Us
Directions to The Goose Barn
© Heat Gun Holster
© Tom Henderson, 1999