Photo of The Goose Barn The Goose Barn
        5311 Charles Street
        Rockford, Illinois 61108


Embossing Powders      Detail Embossing Powders      Ultra-Thick Embossing Powders      Embossing Inks      Heat Tools      Heat Gun Holster     

Embossing Powders
Embossing Powders - Powders come in a wide assortment of colors.  Some are opaque, others are glittery or tinsel-like and still others will slightly change the color of the ink they are embossed over.
Detail Embossing Powders
Detail Embossing Powders - These powders are very fine and are wonderful for embossing detailed stamp images.
Ultra-Thick Embossing Powders
Ultra-Thick Embossing Powders - For that project that requires a thick base of embossing, these are perfect. One coat is the equivalent of about 3 coats of regular powder. Several coats of ultra-thick powder create a thickness that you can push charms, small objects or a stamped image into. These come in an assortment of colors and there are project sheets to show you how to use them and samples in many of the stamping publications. Great product!
* Hint/tip: You can make your own sealing wax wafers with this type powder, if heated on a baker's paper, so they come off easily.

Embossing Inks
Embossing Inks - These inks are used as the medium to hold the embossing powder on the paper, prior to heat embossing.  They come in clear and slightly tinted, pink or blue.  The tinted inks enable you to better see where you have stamped your image on the paper.
Heat Tools
Milwaukee Heat Tool Heat Tools - A number of companies make heat tools for embossing. We feature the Milwaukee heat tool, but carry other brands as well. But, when it comes to making tools, the name Milwaukee stands alone in quality and durability. We have seen other types burn out quickly and I have had my Milwaukee heat tool for nearly 7-8 years and it has been through a ton of abuse and still works great!
© Heat Gun Holster
Heat Gun Holster - (Our fifteen minutes of fame) Because of the abuse of accidentally pulling my heat tool off my demo table or burning myself on it because I would reach across the hot tip while picking up something, my dear, sweet husband designed and made me my first Heat Gun Holster .  
Initially, it was just a piece of equipment that I thought only I couldn't live without, but customers began to ask him to make them one and "Viola!".  
Soon a marketing plan was developed and we began distributing the Heat Gun Holster, literally, all over the world!  They allow free handed embossing with the gun tilted to one side in the holster, you can turn your gun upside down and heat from underneath (perfect for those ultra-thick powders and tinsels) or you can just store you heat tool in the holster for safe keeping so the hot tip isn't exposed.  The Heat Gun Holster retails for $22.95 plus S & H.

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© Tom Henderson, 1999